Monday, July 30, 2007

Entrepreneurship - Lucky or Smart?

I just finished Lucky or Smart? - Secrets to an Entrepreneurial Life by Bo Peabody. Peabody is an Internet tycoon that made his money on a big sale to Lycos. The book overall was interesting, I can't say I agreed with all of it. He talked a bit about how A students are not intended to be millionaires. Since I tend to be an A student, I tend to not like the perspective. I can definitely see his point though. And don't let that skew you, I think the book is definitely worth a read.

My favorite part was the Introduction where Peabody summarizes his road to success. It starts with an idea as a freshmen. He goes on to say that he got a lot of venture capital, posed as a cool "dude" on multiple occasions for the media, and attracted one million registered users. He then mentions that "Tripod never posted a profit. Tripod generated barely any revenue." And "on December 30, 1997, I agreed to sell Tripod in exchange for $58 million in stock of publicly traded company named Lycos, which at the time was an Internet company only slightly more stable than Tripod." The stock increased tenfold before Peabody cashed out, which also happened to be right before the dot com bubble popped.

So, Lucky or Smart? Read the book to find out.

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